Victoria, South Australia (including Kangaroo Island) and New South Wales are currently facing unprecedented bushfires.
These fires are ongoing and have been raging since October 2019.
VIC (Victoria): Australian bidders can make a direct deposit from their bank to a CFA brigade of their choice or to CFA generally. Our advice from the CFA is that the BRIGADES FUND is the best option. CLICK HERE. To request a receipt please email your name, address, date of deposit and amount to donation-receipt-requests@cfa.vic.gov.au NB. There is a waiting time for these receipts as the CFA are currently inundated. Current waiting time is up to 10 working days. You can send a screenshot of your transfer to the auction item owner as proof of payment to speed up the auction process.
International bidders There is a swift code for overseas transactions by direct deposit to the BRIGADES FUND. CLICK HERE. Alternatively (ie. if your bank will not allow this transaction) bidders can make credit card payments to the Victorian Bushfire Disaster Appeal. 100% of all donations will be directed to communities in need. NB. at the moment the website will not accept an address outside Australia, so please input this address to override it:
PO Box 480, Bendigo, Victoria, 3555 (Australia).
Your credit card payment will then go through and you will receive an emailed receipt. CLICK HERE.
SA (South Australia): Option 1 - Donate to volunteer firefighters. Credit card payments. CLICK HERE. Option 2 - Kangaroo Island Mayoral Relief and Recovery Bushfire Fund. You can pay by direct deposit only (there is a swift code for international donations). CLICK HERE.
NSW (New South Wales): There are several options on this donation page. Please note that the recent fundraiser organised by Celeste Barber raised over $49million for The Trustee for NSW Rural Fire Service. Donations are made by Paypal Giving Fund and granted to charity "within 90 days". It is not clear whether these funds will be shared with other states currently suffering bushfire conditions, or when. The person who auctioned the item you have won may specify the brigade the donation should go to. CLICK HERE. Australian bidders have the option to use direct deposit. In this case, to request a receipt please email your name, date of deposit, amount and address to dgr@rfs.nsw.gov.au. There is also an option for Australian & International bidders to pay by credit card. CLICK HERE.
QLD (Queensland): You can donate to rural fire brigades by direct deposit - scroll to the bottom of their donations page. To request a receipt please email your name, address, date of deposit and amount to
Ruraloperations.finance@qfes.qld.gov.au CLICK HERE.
TAS (Tasmania) and NT (Northern Territory): Currently the recommended option is to donate to the Australian Red Cross Disaster Relief and Recovery fund. Both Australian and international bidders can use this option. CLICK HERE.
WA (Western Australia): There is an Emergency Services Volunteer Hardship Assistance Scheme to give emergency services volunteers the opportunity to seek financial assistance during times of hardship. You need an Australian address for this option. CLICK HERE.
ACT (Australian Capital Territory): Your best option at the moment is to donate to the joint NSW ACT Bushfire Disaster Appeal, which accepts credit card payments. If you are living outside Australia and would like to donate, please email Community Enterprise Foundation™ at: foundation.mailbox@bendigoadelaide.com.au and they will assist with your donation: CLICK HERE.
This is what you should see on the CFA page. You can also click this image to be taken there.